Ready to reinvent your life from the inside, out? Here’s step one.

the circle of life assessment

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the circle of life assessment includes actionable tips to help you begin experiencing positive momentum in your wellness journey.

The circle of life tool consists of 12 Primary Foods, a term pioneered by Joshua Rosenthal, founder of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). These primary foods include areas of life vital to your well being, such as: Career, relationships, and creativity, to name a few.

Secondary food is defined as the food we choose to put on our plates. Primary foods have a great impact on our overall health and wellness, more so than Secondary Foods.

The key to reinvention lies in the assessment of your primary foods. 

Hi there, I’m Bonnie! Certified integrative health coach, nutrition artist, and recovering people pleaser. Yes, you read that right. For years I gave 120% of myself away to everyone but myself. My two beautiful children, my loving husband, my dog - the list goes on and on. In my fifties, I admitted I was not happy and I decided to do something about it.

I threw myself into strict diets and intensive weight loss programs. All of which took far more away from me than the weight. Sure, I achieved the surface level results, but at what cost? I was physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted. There was neither joy, nor fun, in any of it. And in my heart I knew a better way was possible. So, I decided to do it my way. And guess what - it worked!

About bonnie